Prepared by Ian Smith, 18th March 1998, updated 26th July 2022

Outside Staircase LT Bus Histories

These histories are incomplete. They are being compiled from fragments or blocks of information from a variety of sources, that do not always agree with each other. Please do not quote them as a primary source!

Particularly useful have been:

LT 1    UU 6611   6/29    AEC Renown chassis 663001 delivered to Chiswick.
                          fitted with square-cab prototype body 10185:
                          painted cream, red lower panels, black lining/mudguards, silver roof
                  8/29 W  licensed. Worked on 16A (Cricklewood)
                  */29    returned to Chiswick for improvements to braking system
                          repainted red/off-white + black, silver
                  1/30 W  in use on 16A, and 121A to Peckham Rye.
                  8/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead)
                  */33    classified 1LT1
                  1935 AM
                  6/37 AM used on 53, square cab
                          fitted sometime with rounded cab to same body (10185), diesel engine
                 39-46 T  working from Leyton on 10, 35, 38/A, 150
                  5/47 T  used on 10
                  1/48 T
                  3/48 U  transfer (Upton Park)
                  */48 U  used on Roding Valley railway replacement services (Upton Park)
                  6/48 ED transfer (Elmers End)
                  6/48 ED used on Morden-Epsom race Course Specials  
                 10/48 AP transfer (Seven Kings)
                 11/48 AP withdrawn into store
                 12/48 FL change store (Ferry Lane, Walthamstow)
                  4/49    body 10185 scrapped by Cox & Danks, Feltham
                  5/49    chassis scrapped at Chiswick

Outside Staircase LTs LT 2 UU 6666 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663002, Chiswick body 10293 1/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 M (Mortlake) 7/48 M withdrawn, body 11252.. 7/48 CS Chiswick Works 10/48 CS scrapped LT 3 UU 6667 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663003, Chiswick body 10295 1/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 AM from overhaul with new float body */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AP (Seven Kings) 4/48 AP withdrawn from service, body 11251 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works 5/48 CS scrapped LT 4 GC 3917 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663004, Chiswick body 10279 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 3/48 U withdrawn from service, body 11231.. 3/48 CS ..scrapped LT 5 UU 6685 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663005, Chiswick body 10309 2/30 HW into service on 218 (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 1/48 MH transfer (Muswell Hill) 4/49 MH withdrawn from service 4/49 body 10234 scrapped 5/49 chassis scrapped LT 6 UU 6668 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663006, Chiswick body 10283 1/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 PB (Potters Bar) 1/48 P transfer (Old Kent Road) 4/48 P withdrawn from service, body 11235.. 4/48 BY ..into store (Bull Yard).. 4/48 CS Chiswick Works 5/48 CS scrapped LT 7 UU 6669 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663007, Chiswick body 10294 1/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 AM from overhaul with new float body */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 war: body badly damaged by air attack: body 11210 scrapped major rebuild 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 T (Leyton) 9/47 T withdrawn from service, body 11259 1/48 CS body scrapped at Chiswick LT 8 GC 3904 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663008, Chiswick body 10308 2/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 T (Leyton) 2/48 T withdrawn from service, body 11222.. 2/48 CS Chiswick Works: converted to 8-seat trainer: H4/4RO.. 2/48 TL ....transfer, 8-seater trainer (Catford) 4/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 9 UU 6670 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663009, Chiswick body 10292 1/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 AM from overhaul with new float body */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 WG (West Green) 2/48 WG withdrawn from service, body 10278.. 2/48 CS Chiswick 3/48 CS scrapped LT 10 UU 6671 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663010, Chiswick body 10282 1/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 AM from overhaul with new float body */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AM (Plumstead) 4/48 AM withdrawn from service, body 11239.. 4/48 CS Chiswick Works 5/48 CS scrapped LT 11 GC 3905 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663011, Chiswick body 10310 2/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1946 L used on 10A 1/48 AP (Seven Kings) 5/48 R transfer (Riverside) 9/48 AP transfer 3/49 AP w/d from service 3/49 body 11223 sold to Cox & Danks (Feltham): scrapped 4/49 chassis scrapped LT 12 UU 6678 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663012, Chiswick body 10307 1/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */30 T used on 526D */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 BK (Barking) 2/49 BK withdrawn from service 2/49 body 11242 scrapped 3/49 chassis scrapped LT 13 GC 3902 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663013, Chiswick body 10304 2/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AR (Tottenham) 6/48 used on Morden Stn & Epsom Race Course service, 1/2LT2/1 7/48 AR used on 41 to Highgate 9/48 AR withdrawn into store, body 11178.. 9/48 FL ..change store (Ferry Lane) 10/48 CS to Chiswick Works 12/48 CS scrapped LT 14 GC 3920 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663014, Chiswick body 10289 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 3/48 T transfer (Leyton) 4/49 T PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 11267 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 15 UU 6686 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663015, Chiswick body 10320 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AM (Plumstead) 2/48 AM withdrawn from service into store 5/48 CS to Chiswick Works, body 11183.. 5/48 CS ..scrapped LT 16 UU 6680 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663016, Chiswick body 10306 2/30 W into service on 121A (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AD (Palmers Green) 12/48 AD withdrawn into store.. 12/48 CS Chiswick Works.. 12/48 ....body 11181 scrapped at Cox & Danks, Feltham 1/49 chassis scrapped LT 17 UU 6688 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663017, Chiswick body 10321 2/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 AD (Palmers Green) 10/47 AD withdrawn from service, body 10291 10/47 scrapped LT 18 GC 3906 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663018, Chiswick body 10311 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AH (Nunhead) 5/48 AH withdrawn from service, body 11233.. 5/48 CS to Chiswick Works 6/48 CS scrapped LT 19 UU 6676 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663019, Chiswick body 10298 1/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 SP (Sidcup) 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works 8/48 SP from works M (Mortlake) 3/49 M withdrawn from service, body 11266 M trainer 10/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 20 GC 3914 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663020, Chiswick body 10318 2/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 11/47 U used on Roding Valley tube replacement (Upton Park) 4/49 U 6/49 AF used on Morden Stn & Epsom Race Course service (Putney) 6/49 AF withdrawn from service, body 11250 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 21 GC 3922 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663021, Chiswick body 10284 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) 6/35 fitted with AEC-Ricardo 7.7 litre Comet 1 engine: 2/2LT2/2 6/35 D from o/h (Dalston) 3/36 M transfer (Mortlake) 3/40 M inside staircase Strachans body #11670 fitted: 2/12LT3/4 1944 M bomb-damaged at Aldwych: extra window framing needed. 1945 M rounded cab 1946 M at Kings Cross 1946 M used on 9 to Mortlake, 2/12LT3/1 M used on 73 to Stoke Newington 1/48 M 3/48 M withdrawn from service, body 11670, into store 3/48 PB ..change store (Potters Bar) 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works 4/48 CS scrapped LT 22 GC 3923 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663022, Chiswick body 10323 2/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 10/46 CS given chassis from LT32 1/48 T (Leyton) 3/48 T withdrawn from service, body 10282.. 3/48 CS ..scrapped LT 23 GC 3915 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663023, Chiswick body 10280 2/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 9/45 used on 35, square cab, 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) 7/47 T withdrawn from service, body 10284 9/47 scrapped LT 24 GC 3924 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663024, Chiswick body 10326 2/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 R (Hammersmith); 1/2LT2 1948 R used on 11 11/48 R withdrawn into store 12/48 CS to Chiswick Works 12/48 body 10283 scrapped at Cox & Danks (Feltham) 1/49 CS chassis scrapped LT 25 GC 3925 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663025, Chiswick body 10285 2/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 ED in store (Elmers End) 2/48 ED reinstated 4/48 ED withdrawn from service, body 12007.. 4/48 CS Chiswick Works 5/48 CS scrapped LT 26 UU 6681 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663026, Chiswick body 10300 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 war bomb-damaged: body 11180 scrapped 7/45 AM fitted with inside staircase body, 1/2LT5/8, retained petrol engine (Plumstead) 7/48 AM used on 53A to Plumstead Common 11/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul.. 11/48 Marshall's, Cambridge for body renovation 1/49 CS return 10/49 AM withdrawn from service, body 12650 10/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 27 GC 3926 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663027, Chiswick body 10324 2/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 */49 Special Events fleet V (Turnham Green) 10/49 V withdrawn from service, body 11244 10/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 28 UU 6682 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663028, Chiswick body 10299 2/30 W into service on 121A, 526D (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 PB (Potters Bar) 1/48 SP transfer, then withdrawn from service, body 11172 (Sidcup) 1/48 CS into store (Chiswick) 2/48 CS scrapped LT 29 UU 6672 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663029, Chiswick body 10286 1/30 W into service on 121A, 526D (Cricklewood) W used on 121 to Hendon Central Stn 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 3/35 AH from o/h, round-cab body 11200 (Nunhead) 193* AH used on 63 to Chalk Farm 193* AH used on 78 to East Dulwich 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1946 T used on 35 to Clapham Common; 1/2LT2/1 (Leyton) 10/47 R transfer (Hammersmith) 11/47 R withdrawn from service, body 11191.. W ..into store (Cricklewood) 2/48 CS change store to Chiswick 3/48 CS scrapped LT 30 UU 6673 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663030, Chiswick body 10287 1/30 W into service on 121A, 526D (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) 5/47 T withdrawn from service, body 10301 7/47 scrapped LT 31 UU 6679 2/30 new: AEC Renown chassis 663031, Chiswick body 10297 2/30 W into service on 121A, 526D (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2> 1/48 U (Upton Park) 1/48 MH transfer (Muswell Hill) */48 MH used on 43, square cab 2/49 MH used on 43 (Muswell Hill): 1/2LT2 2/49 MH withdrawn from service 3/49 body 10285 scrapped 6/49 chassis scrapped LT 32 UU 6677 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663032, Chiswick body 10296 1/30 W into service on 121A, 526D (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 T (Leyton) 10/46 T withdrawn from service: chassis to LT22 5/47 CS body 11175 scrapped at Chiswick LT 33 UU 6675 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663033, Chiswick body 10288 1/30 W into service on 121A, 526D (Cricklewood) 10/30 AM transfer for use on 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 AM from overhaul with new float body */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 3/48 U withdrawn from service, body 11219.. 3/48 CS scrapped 4/48 WG transfer, trainer (West Green) SP transfer, trainer (Sidcup) 4/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 34 UU 6674 1/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663034, Chiswick body 10305 1/30 AH into service on 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AD transfer for peak-hour 112 to Finchley (Palmers Green) 4/49 AD 6/49 R used on Morden Stn & Epsom Race Course service (Hammersmith): 1/2LT2/1 */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 7/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 11265 7/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham): scrapped LT 35 UU 6683 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663035 with 8 cylinder AEC engine, Chiswick body 10302 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 fitted with standard AEC A140 engine */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 war: T used on 10, 35 (Leyton) 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 12/46 AL used on contract workings for Windmill Press (Merton) 1/48 AL 9/48 AL withdrawn into store 11/48 BY change store (Bull Yard) 3/49 body 10306 scrapped 4/49 chassis scrapped LT 36 GC 3921 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663036, Chiswick body 10278 2/30 AH into service on 37A, 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 R (Hammersmith) 9/48 R withdrawn, body 11236 9/48 CS Chiswick Works 12/48 body scrapped by Cox & Danks, Feltham 12/48 CS chassis scrapped LT 37 UU 6687 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663037, Chiswick body 10291 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 SP in store (Sidcup) 3/48 BY change store (Bull Yard) 5/48 AM change store (Plumstead) 6/48 AM ..and out 3/49 AM withdrawn from service 3/49 body 11214 scrapped 4/49 chassis scrapped LT 38 GC 3901 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663038, Chiswick body 10314 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 8/38 CS overhaul, repanelled: replacement round cab on body 10324 1947 PB used on 29 to Turnpike Lane Stn, 1/2LT2/1 U transfer (Upton Park) 1/48 U (Upton Park) 1/48 MH transfer for 43 (Muswell Hill) 9/48 MH withdrawn .. 9/48 FL store (Ferry Lane) 4/49 body #10324 scrapped 6/49 chassis scrapped LT 39 GC 3903 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663039, Chiswick body 10303 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 M (Mortlake) 10/48 M withdrawn into store, body 10297.. 10/48 FL ..change store (Ferry Lane) 2/49 scrapped LT 40 GC 3907 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663040, Chiswick body 10312 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 4/49 WG (West Green) */49 AC Special Events fleet (Willesden) AC parked in corner of garage yard 1/50 AC withdrawn from (inactive) service, body 12009 1/50 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 41 UU 6684 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663041 with 8 cylinder AEC engine, Chiswick body 10301 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 7/30 fitted with standard AEC A140 engine 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 fitted with standard AEC A145 engine */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 R (Hammersmith) 10/47 R withdrawn from service 10/47 chassis to LT104 12/47 body 10296 scrapped LT 42 GC 3916 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663042, Chiswick body 10290: unglazed cab 2/30 AH into service on 37A, 121A (Nunhead) 4/30 AH used on 121A to Peckham Rye */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 AH (Nunhead) 9/48 AP transfer (Seven Kings) 4/49 AP (Seven Kings) */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 used on Wimbledon Stn & Wimbledon specials, 1/2LT2 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 10280 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 43 GC 3919 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663043, Chiswick body 10322 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) 1/31 fitted with standard AEC A140 engine c1932 AH used on 121 (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1940 PB used on 29A (Potters Bar), 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 AR (Tottenham) 4/48 AR withdrawn from service, body 10326.. 4/48 FL ..into store (Ferry Lane).. 4/48 CS Chiswick Works 5/48 CS scrapped LT 44 GC 3908 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663044, Chiswick body 10315 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 P (Old Kent Road) 3/48 P withdrawn from service, body 11232, into store.. 3/48 CS change store 4/48 CS scrapped LT 45 GC 3913 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663045, Chiswick body 10281 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AR (Tottenham) 8/48 AR withdrawn into store, body 11179 9/48 FL change store (Ferry Lane) 10/48 CS to Chiswick Works 12/48 CS scrapped LT 46 GC 3910 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663046, Chiswick body 10319 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 11/47 U used on Roding Valley tube replacement (Upton Park) 12/48 U withdrawn from service.. 12/48 CS Chiswick Works.. 12/48 ....body 10312 scrapped by Cox & Danks, (Feltham) 1/49 chassis scrapped LT 47 GC 3909 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663047, Chiswick body 10313 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) 11/46 T withdrawn from service, body 10325 1/48 PB in store (Potters Bar).. 1/48 CS ..change store (Chiswick) 2/48 CS scrapped LT 48 GC 3911 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663048, Chiswick body 10316 2/30 HW into service on 218, 526D (Hanwell) 10/30 AM transfer for 53A (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 9/48 T used on 167 to Barkingside (Leyton) 4/49 T withdrawn from service, body 11188 4/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 49 GC 3912 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663049, Chiswick body 10317 2/30 AH into service on 37A, 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 8/38 flush-panelled 11/39 PB transfer (Potters Bar) PB used on 29A 8/42 PB used on 134 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 11/46 PB withdrawn from service, body 12005 5/47 CS scrapped at Chiswick LT 50 GC 3918 2/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663050, Chiswick body 10325 2/30 AH into service on 37A, 121A (Nunhead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 P (Old Kent Road) 9/48 P withdrawn into store, body 10293.. 9/48 BY ..change store (Bull Yard) 11/48 CS to Chiswick Works 12/48 CS scrapped
LT 51 GF 7271 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663052, Chiswick body 11170 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */31 L from overhaul with early body from float */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1946 T used on 10, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 ED (Elmers End) 3/48 ED withdrawn from service, body 11196, into store 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 4/48 CS ..scrapped LT 52 GH 609 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663053, Chiswick body 11179 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 12/47 U used on Roding Valley Railway Service, Upton Park, 1/2LT2/1 6/48 AP transfer (Palmers Green) 2/49 AP withdrawn from service 2/49 body 11262 scrapped 3/49 chassis scrapped LT 53 GF 7272 8/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663054, Chiswick body 11169 8/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */31 from overhaul with early body from float */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1946 T used on 35A, 38A(Leyton); 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AH (Nunhead) 9/48 AM transfer 10/48 AM withdrawn into store 12/48 BY change store (Bull Yard) 3/49 body 11202 scrapped 6/49 chassis scrapped LT 54 GH 3799 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663055, Chiswick body 11192 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 SP (Sidcup) 9/48 SP withdrawn into store, body 11212.. 9/48 BY ..change store (Bull Yard) 11/48 CS to Chiswick Works 11/48 CS scrapped LT 55 GH 640 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663056, Chiswick body 11183 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 M (Mortlake) 4/48 M withdrawn from service, body 10303 4/48 PB ..into store (Potters Bar).. 4/48 CS Chiswick Works 4/48 CS ......scrapped LT 56 GH 3839 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663057, Chiswick body 11198 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 MH (Muswell Hill) 10/47 MH withdrawn from service, body 10315 10/47 scrapped LT 57 GH 607 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663058, Chiswick body 11176 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 P (Old Kent Road) 9/47 P withdrawn from service, body 10286 10/47 scrapped LT 58 GH 604 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663059, Chiswick body 11175 9/30 L into service on 100A/100B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 WG (West Green) 2/48 AP transfer (Palmers Green) 5/48 AP withdrawn from service into store, body 11227.. 5/48 CS Chiswick Works 6/48 CS scrapped LT 59 GH 3797 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663060, Chiswick body 11189 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) 7/31 CS from o/h, Chiswick */33 classified 1/2LT2 1939 L used on 38A to Victoria, 1/2LT2, square cab 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 */49 P Special Events fleet (Old Kent Road) 6/49 N on Morden Stn & Epsom Race Course service (Norwood), 1/2LT2/1 2/50 P withdrawn from Special Events, body 11243 2/50 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 60 GH 3832 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663061, Chiswick body 11193 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AH (Nunhead) 7/48 AH withdrawn, body 11253.. 7/48 CS Chiswick Works 9/48 CS scrapped LT 61 GF 7273 8/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663062, Chiswick body 11172 8/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */31 L from overhaul with early body from float */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 12/46 PB used on 134 (Potters Bar): 1/2LT2 5/47 PB withdrawn, body 10314.. 5/47 CS ..into store at Chiswick 7/47 scrapped LT 62 GF 7274 8/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663063, Chiswick body 11173 8/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AH (Nunhead) 12/47 AH withdrawn from service, body 11241 1/48 CS body scrapped at Chiswick LT 63 GH 3833 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663064, Chiswick body 11194 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 ED (Elmers End) 7/48 ED withdrawn, body 11217.. 7/48 CS Chiswick Works 8/48 CS scrapped LT 64 GH 3831 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663065, Chiswick body 11188 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 ED (Elmers End) 3/48 ED withdrawn from service, body 10321, into store.. 3/48 BY ..change store (Bull Yard.. 3/48 ED ....return to store 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 4/48 CS ..scrapped LT 65 GH 639 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663066, Chiswick body 11182 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 M (Mortlake) 4/48 M withdrawn from service, body 10309.. 4/48 PB ..into store (Potters Bar).. 4/48 CS Chiswick Works 4/48 CS ......scrapped LT 66 GH 3784 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663067, Chiswick body 11185 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AR (Tottenham) 11/48 AR withdrawn, body 11193.. 11/48 CS Chiswick Works 12/48 body scrapped by Cox & Danks, Feltham 12/48 CS chassis scrapped LT 67 GH 3830 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663068, Chiswick body 11191 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1947 T used on 38 (Leyton) 1948 T used on 38 9/48 T used on 167 to Loughton Stn 4/49 T used on contract work: Special Events fleet 5/49 T withdrawn from service, body 11200 5/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 68 GH 637 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663069, Chiswick body 11181 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1946 L used on 10A; 1/2LT2/1 1947 SP used on 21 (Sidcup) M (Mortlake) 3/49 M withdrawn from service, body 11209 3/49 W transfer, trainer (Cricklewood) 11/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 69 GH 3798 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663070, Chiswick body 11190 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AP (Palmers Green) 2/48 AP withdrawn from service, body 11260.. 2/48 CS Chiswick 3/48 scrapped LT 70 GH 3834 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663071, Chiswick body 11195 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AH (Nunhead) 6/48 AH withdrawn from service, body 11257.. 6/48 CS Chiswick Works 7/48 CS scrapped LT 71 GH 3793 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663072, Chiswick body 11184 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 W (Cricklewood) 9/44 T transfer (Leyton) 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 WG (West Green) 2/48 AP transfer (Palmers Green) 5/48 R transfer (Hammersmith) 4/49 R */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 11195 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 72 GH 3841 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663073, Chiswick body 11205 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 WG (West Green) 9/48 WG withdrawn, body 12226.. 9/48 FL ..into store (Ferry Lane) 10/48 CS to Chiswick Works 11/48 CS scrapped LT 73 GH 606 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663074, Chiswick body 11177 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AP (Seven Kings) 7/48 WG transfer (West Green) T (Leyton) 1948 M used on 9 (Mortlake) 4/49 M */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 12219 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 74 GH 3795 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663075, Chiswick body 11186 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 193* L used on 138 to Loughton, 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AR (Tottenham) 8/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul 9/48 to Marshall's, Cambridge, for body renovation 10/48 CS return 11/48 AR from o/h 4/49 AR */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 9/49 WG used on 29 (West Green), 1/2LT2/1 2/50 PB withdrawn from Special Events, body 11245 2/50 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 75 GH 638 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663076, Chiswick body 11180 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 */46 L used on 10A, 1/2LT2 body #10326 11/47 MH transfer (Muswell Hill) 1/48 MH 2/48 V on loan from MH: used on 65 to Ealing 3/48 MH withdrawn from service, body 10320, into store 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 4/48 CS ..scrapped LT 76 GH 3836 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663077, Chiswick body 11200 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AR (Tottenham) 6/48 AR withdrawn from service, body 11208.. 6/48 CS Chiswick Works 6/48 scrapped LT 77 GH 3796 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663078, Chiswick body 11187 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 BK (Barking) 1/48 BK withdrawn from service, body 11240.. 1/48 CS ..change store (Chiswick) 2/48 CS scrapped LT 78 GH 3866 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663079, Chiswick body 11210 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AM (Plumstead) 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works 5/48 Q transfer(Camberwell) then withdrawn from service, body 11228.. 5/48 R ..transfer, trainer (Hammersmith) 9/48 R into store 10/48 PB change sttore (Potters Bar).. 10/48 CS Chiswick Works 12/48 CS scrapped LT 79 GH 3837 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663080, Chiswick body 11203 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1939 L used on 38A to Victoria, 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 AR (Tottenham) 11/47 AR withdrawn from service, body 10305 1/48 CS body scrapped at Chiswick LT 80 GH 3850 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663081, Chiswick body 11207 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 SP (Sidcup) 8/48 SP withdrawn into store, body 10295 9/48 BY change store (Bull Yard) 10/48 CS to Chiswick Works 10/48 CS scrapped LT 81 GH 3838 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663082, Chiswick body 11201 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) CS o/h, fitted with square cab body #10288 */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 8/47 AR transfer (Tottenham) 7/48 AR used on 41 to Highgate 8/48 AR withdrawn, body 10288.. 8/48 FL ..into store (Ferry Lane) 10/48 CS to Chiswick Works 11/48 CS scrapped LT 82 GH 605 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663083, Chiswick body 11174 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 R (Hammersmith) 10/47 R withdrawn from service, body 10316 12/47 scrapped LT 83 GH 3846 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663084, Chiswick body 11219 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 4/49 M (Mortlake) */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 7/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 11247 7/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 84 GH 3843 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663085, Chiswick body 11202 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 SP (Sidcup) 9/47 SP withdrawn from service, body 10292 10/47 scrapped LT 85 GF 7275 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663086, Chiswick body 11171 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 U (Upton Park) 6/48 AP transfer (Seven Kings) 6/48 AP used on Morden Stn & Epsom Race Course service, 1/2LT2 7/48 WG transfer (West Green) 8/48 CS to Chiswick Works overhaul 9/48 to Marshall's, Cambridge for body renovation 11/48 CS return.. 11/48 AP ..from o/h 4/49 AP (Seven Kings) */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 10308 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 86 GH 608 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663087, Chiswick body 11178 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 MH (Muswell Hill) 7/48 MH withdrawn from service.. 7/48 MH ..reduced to 8 seats: trainer 3/49 body 11248 scrapped 4/49 chassis scrapped LT 87 GH 3840 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663088, Chiswick body 11204 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 P (Old Kent Road) 4/48 P withdrawn from service, body 10290.. 4/48 BY ..into store (Bull Yard) 4/48 CS Chiswick Works 5/48 CS scrapped LT 88 GH 8013 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663089, Chiswick body 11223 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */31 from overhaul with early body from float */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 M (Mortlake) 3/49 M withdrawn from service 3/49 body 11203 scrapped at Feltham 6/49 chassis scrapped LT 89 GH 3871 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663090, Chiswick body 11217 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 11/47 T withdrawn from service, body 11206 1/48 CS body scrapped at Chiswick LT 90 GH 3877 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663091, Chiswick body 11214 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 war PB used on 134 (Potters Bar) 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AM (Plumstead) 10/48 AM withdrawn into store.. 10/48 AF ..transfer, trainer (Putney) 3/49 body 11192 scrapped 5/49 chassis scrapped LT 91 GH 3835 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663092, Chiswick body 11196, 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1935 L used on 10A, 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab1/2LT2/1 1/48 ED (Elmers End) 5/48 ED into store (overhaul?) 8/48 ED ..and out 9/48 AL transfer (Merton) 4/49 AL */49 Special Events fleet 6/49 Special Events fleet: used on Wimbledon services 6/49 ST used on 443: Ascot & Staines V (Turnham Green) 2/50 V withdrawn from Special Events, body 11254 2/50 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 92 GH 3869 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663093, Chiswick body 11213 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 P (Old Kent Road) 10/47 P withdrawn from service, body 12006 10/47 scrapped LT 93 GH 3875 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663094, Chiswick body 11227 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 U (Upton Park) 12/48 U withdrawn .. 12/48 CS Chiswick Works 12/48 body scrapped by Cox & Danks, Feltham 1/49 chassis scrapped LT 94 GH 3870 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663095, Chiswick body 11216 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 AP (Palmers Green) 5/48 AP withdrawn from service, body 10313.. 5/48 CS Chiswick Works 6/48 CS scrapped LT 95 GH 3842 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663096, Chiswick body 11197 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 used on 38 to Chingford, 1/2LT2/1 6/47 used on 38A AM (Plumstead) 11/47 AM withdrawn from service into store, body 11238 2/48 CS change store to Chiswick 3/48 scrapped LT 96 GH 3867 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663097, Chiswick body 11222 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 ED (Elmers End) 9/48 ED withdrawn into store, body 11264.. 9/48 BY change store (Bull Yard) 4/49 body scrapped 5/49 chassis scrapped LT 97 GH 3868 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663098, Chiswick body 11212 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AH (Nunhead) 5/48 CS to Chiswick Works 6/48 T from works (Leyton) 1949 T used on 38 4/49 T */49 Q Special Events fleet (Camberwell) 1/50 AC transfer, Special Events (Willesden) 2/50 AC withdrawn from Special Events, body 11255 2/50 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 98 GH 3847 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663099, Chiswick body 11208 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 M (Mortlake) 9/47 M withdrawn from service, body 11171 10/47 scrapped LT 99 GH 3498 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663100, Chiswick body 11209 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 SP (Sidcup) 10/47 SP withdrawn from service into store 2/48 CS to Chiswick Works: converted to 8-seat trainer: H4/4RO 2/48 Q transfer, 8-seater trainer (Camberwell) 12/48 Q into store.. 12/48 CS Chiswick Works.. 12/48 ....body 11189 scrapped by Cox & Danks, Feltham 1/49 CS chassis scrapped LT 100 GH 3844 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663101, Chiswick body 11206 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 R (Hammersmith) 3/48 R withdrawn from service, body 11229, into store 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 4/48 CS ..scrapped LT 101 GH 3845 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663102, Chiswick body 11199 9/30 L into service on 100A/100#B, 138 (Loughton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 BK (Barking) 1/48 BK withdrawn from service, body 10307.. 1/48 CS ..change store (Chiswick) 2/48 CS scrapped LT 102 GH 8021 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663103, Chiswick body 11233 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 6/48 AM transfer (Plumstead) 7/48 AM withdrawn from service, body 11185 7/48 AM reduced to 8 seats: trainer.. 7/48 B ..transfer, trainer (Battersea).. 7/48 Q ....transfer, trainer (Camberwell) 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 103 GH 8007 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663104, Chiswick body 11225 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 M (Mortlake) 3/49 M withdrawn from service, body 11170 AV transfer, trainer (Hounslow) 10/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 104 GH 3874 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663105, Chiswick body 11259 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1946 PB used on 134 (Potters Bar), 1/2LT2/1 10/47 received chassis from LT41 1/48 U (Upton Park) 6/48 R transfer (Hammersmith) 4/49 R */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 11177 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 105 GH 8019 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663106, Chiswick body 11230 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1940 body 11258 destroyed in air raid fitted with spare 1/2LT2/1 body 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 M (Mortlake) 9/48 BK transfer (Barking) 4/49 BK 4/49 AL transfer for contract work (Merton) */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 11215 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 106 GH 3851 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663107, Chiswick body 11220 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 c1947 used on 73 AR (Tottenham) 1/49 AR withdrawn from service, body 11201 1/49 scrapped LT 107 GH 3848 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663108, Chiswick body 11235 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 ED (Elmers End) 8/48 ED withdrawn.. 8/48 CS Chiswick Works.. 8/48 AF ....transfer, trainer (Putney, Chelverton Road) 3/49 body 11224 scrapped 4/49 chassis scrapped LT 108 GH 8008 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663109, Chiswick body 11221 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */31 from overhaul with early body from float */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 4/49 U (Upton Park) */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 6/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 11261 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 109 GH 3858 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663110, Chiswick body 11211 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 PB (Potters Bar) 1/48 WG transfer (West Green) */48 WG used on 29 3/48 WG withdrawn from service, body 11198.. 3/48 FL ..into store (Ferry Lane, Walthamstow) 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 4/48 CS ..scrapped LT 110 GH 610 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663111, Chiswick body 11238 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 war bomb-damaged: body 11211 scrapped 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AH (Nunhead) 9/48 BK transfer (Barking) 10/48 BK withdrawn, body 11176.. 10/48 CS Chiswick Works 1/49 scrapped LT 111 GH 8018 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663112, Chiswick body 11239 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 4/48 U withdrawn from service into store, body 11213 5/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 5/48 CS ..scrapped LT 112 GH 3876 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663113, Chiswick body 11215 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AP (Palmers Green) 2/49 AP withdrawn from service 2/49 body 11205 scrapped 6/49 chassis scrapped LT 113 GH 3852 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663114, Chiswick body 11243 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 6/48 AM transfer (Plumstead) 7/48 CS to Chiswick Works 11/48 AM from works to store, then relicensed 3/49 AM withdrawn from service, body 11268 H transfer, trainer (Hackney) K transfer, trainer (Kingston) 2/50 K withdrawn into store 3/50 sold to Daniels (Rainham): scrapped LT 114 GH 8011 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663115, Chiswick body 11252 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AH (Nunhead) 2/48 AH withdrawn from service, body 11174, into store 3/48 CS change store 4/48 CS scrapped LT 115 GH 3859 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663116, Chiswick body 11253 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1930 CS trainer at Chiswick driving school 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 M (Mortlake) 3/48 M withdrawn from service, body 10302, into store 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 4/48 CS ..scrapped LT 116 GH 3872 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663117, Chiswick body 11224 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 8/42 PB used on 134 (Potters Bar) 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) 7/47 T withdrawn from service, body 10299 1/48 AP 8-seater trainer (Seven Kings) 5/48 AP into store 6/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 6/48 ..scrapped LT 117 GH 3863 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663118, Chiswick body 11245 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AR (Tottenham) 5/48 AR withdrawn from service, body 12008.. 5/48 CS Chiswick Works 7/48 CS scrapped LT 118 GH 3860 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663119, Chiswick body 11226 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 PB (Potters Bar) U used on Woodford-Newbury Pk rail replacement service (Upton Park) 1/48 U (Upton Park) 6/48 R transfer (Hammersmith) 6/48 R used on 17 9/48 T transfer (Leyton) */48 T used on 38: 1/2LT2 4/49 T withdrawn from service, body 11169 4/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 119 GH 8041 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663120, Chiswick body 11251 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 FL in store (Ferry Lane, Walthamstow).. 1/48 CS ..change store (Chiswick).. 1/48 T transfer, 8-seater trainer 11/48 P transfer, 8-seater, (Old Kent Road), 1/2LT2 BK (Barking) 4/49 BK withdrawn from service P transfer, trainer (Old Kent Road) 3/49 body 10318 scrapped 4/49 chassis scrapped LT 120 GH 3873 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663121, Chiswick body 11218 9/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 BK (Barking) 6/48 BK withdrawn from service, body 11204.. 6/48 CS Chiswick Works 7/48 CS scrapped LT 121 GH 8009 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663122, Chiswick body 11236 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 BK (Barking) 1/48 BK withdrawn from service, body 11190.. 1/48 CS ..into store (Chiswick) 2/48 CS scrapped LT 122 GH 8010 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663123, Chiswick body 11260 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1940 T body 10294 destroyed in air raid, on route 38 fitted with spare 1/2LT2/1 body 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 c1947 P used on 159 (Old Kent Road) 5/48 on 21 4/49 P withdrawn from service, body 11197 4/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 123 GH 8030 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663124, Chiswick body 11246 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 ED (Elmers End) 6/48 ED withdrawn from service, body 11186.. 6/48 CS Chiswick Works 8/48 CS scrapped LT 124 GH 8028 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663125, Chiswick body 11242 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) SP (Sidcup) 10/47 SP withdrawn from service into store, body 10304 2/48 CS to Chiswick Works: converted to 8-seat trainer: H4/4RO 2/48 W transfer, 8-seater trainer (Cricklewood) 8/48 U transfer, 8-seater trainer (Upton Park) 5/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 125 GH 8016 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663126, Chiswick body 11256 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 FL in store (Ferry Lane, Walthamstow) 1/48 SP transfer (Sidcup) */48 SP used on 161 to Chislehurst 6/48 SP into store.... 6/48 CS Chiswick Works 10/48 BK from works (Barking) 4/49 BK */49 Special Events fleet AF (Putney) 6/49 AF withdrawn from service, body 11249 6/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 126 GH 8033 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663127, Chiswick body 11248 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 L (Loughton) 10/44 T transfer (Leyton) 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 6/47 T withdrawn from service, body 10322 7/47 scrapped LT 127 GH 8017 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663128, Chiswick body 11254 10/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 SP (Sidcup) 2/48 SP withdrawn from service, body 10319.. 2/48 CS store at Chiswick 3/48 scrapped LT 128 GH 8014 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663129, Chiswick body 11229 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 4/48 SL transfer to Special Events (Slough, London Road) 7/48 BY transfer, Special Events (Bull Yard) 8/48 BY withdrawn into store, body 11173 11/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 11/48 CS ..scrapped LT 129 GH 8027 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663130, Chiswick body 11237 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 ED (Elmers End) 2/48 ED withdrawn from service, body 11220.. 2/48 CS Chiswick Works: converted to 8-seat trainer, H4/4RO 2/48 U ....transfer, 8-seater trainer (Upton Park) D transfer, trainer (Dalston) 7/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 130 GH 8012 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663131, Chiswick body 11240 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AD (Palmers Green) 9/47 AD withdrawn from service, body 11221 1/48 FL in store (Ferry Lane, Walthamstow) 1/48 CS ..change store (Chiswick) 2/48 CS scrapped LT 131 GH 8039 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663132, Chiswick body 11262 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 WG (West Green) 6/48 WG withdrawn, body 11263.. 6/48 CS Chiswick Works 7/48 FL change store (Ferry Lane).. 7/48 CS ..return to Chiswick Works.. 7/48 CS ....scrapped LT 132 GH 8015 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663133, Chiswick body 11258 10/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 war: body badly damaged by air attack major rebuild 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 1/48 P (Old Kent Road) 7/48 CS to Chiswick Works 9/48 P from works into store, then relicensed 4/49 P used on Morden Stn - Epsom Race Course service */49 PB Special Events fleet (Potters Bar) 7/49 PB withdrawn from service, body 10317 7/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 133 GH 8022 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663134, Chiswick body 11228 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 T (Leyton) 9/47 T withdrawn from service, body 11194 1/48 CS body scrapped at Chiswick LT 134 GH 8023 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663135, Chiswick body 11231 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 PB (Potters Bar) 1/48 R transfer (Hammersmith) 11/48 R withdrawn into store 12/48 CS to Chiswick Works.. 12/48 ..body 11182 scrapped by Cox & Danks, Feltham 1/49 CS chassis scrapped LT 135 GH 8024 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663136, Chiswick body 11232 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) 10/46 T withdrawn from service 5/47 body 10323 scrapped 6/49 chassis scrapped LT 136 GH 8025 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663137, Chiswick body 11234 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 PB (Potters Bar) 6/47 PB withdrawn from service into store, body 10287 2/48 CS change store 3/48 scrapped LT 137 GH 8034 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663138, Chiswick body 11247 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 ED (Elmers End) 2/48 ED withdrawn from service, body 10281, into store 3/48 BY change store (Bull Yard).. 3/48 ED ..return to store 4/48 CS scrapped LT 138 GH 8026 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663139, Chiswick body 11241 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 T (Leyton) 1/49 T withdrawn from service 5/47 body 10310 scrapped 4/49 chassis sold to Cox & Danks (Feltham) LT 139 GH 8031 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663140, Chiswick body 11255 10/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 P (Old Kent Road) 9/47 P withdrawn from service, body 10279 10/47 scrapped LT 140 GH 8035 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663141, Chiswick body 11261 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 8/41 T used on 38 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 3/47 T withdrawn from service, body 11237 5/47 scrapped at Chiswick LT 141 GH 8040 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663142, Chiswick body 11265 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1941 PB body destroyed in air raid fitted with spare body, 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab U (Upton Park) 4/48 U withdrawn from service into store, body 11246 5/48 CS to Chiswick Works 6/48 w/d from stock LT 142 GH 8029 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663143, Chiswick body 11249 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 AM withdrawn from service, body 11199.. 1/48 CS to store at Chiswick 2/48 CS scrapped LT 143 GH 8032 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663144, Chiswick body 11244 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 PB (Potters Bar) 11/47 PB withdrawn from service, body 11207 12/47 scrapped LT 144 GH 8042 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663145, Chiswick body 11257 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 U (Upton Park) 12/48 U withdrawn, body 11187.. 12/48 W ..into store (Cricklewood) 9/49 sold to Daniels (Rainham) for scrap LT 145 GH 8037 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663146, Chiswick body 11266 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 AR (Tottenham) 4/48 CS to Chiswick Works 5/48 V transfer, but withdrawn from service, body 10298 (Turnham Green).. 5/48 CS ..return to Chiswick Works.. 5/48 R ....transfer, trainer (Hammersmith) 9/48 R into store 10/48 PB change store (Potters Bar).. 10/48 CS Chiswick Works 12/48 CS scrapped LT 146 GH 8038 9/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663147, Chiswick body 11250 9/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2 1945 square cab, 1/2LT2 WG (West Green) 10/47 WG withdrawn from service, body 10300 11/47 scrapped LT 147 GH 8036 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663148, Chiswick body 11263 10/30 AM into service on 53A, 153, 48 (Plumstead) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1937 AM used on 153, square cab, 1/2LT2 AD (Palmers Green) 4/49 AD withdrawn from service 4/49 body 11256 scrapped 6/49 chassis scrapped LT 148 GH 8045 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663149, Chiswick body 11268 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) T used on 148 */33 classified 1/2LT2: square cab 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 1/48 B (Battersea) 1/48 AD transfer (Palmers Green) 8/48 AD used on Morden Stn - Epsom Downs special 11/48 AD withdrawn, body 11230.. 11/48 CS Chiswick Works 12/48 body scrapped by Cox & Danks, Feltham.. 12/48 CS ..chassis scrapped LT 149 GH 8043 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663150, Chiswick body 11264 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 5/48 R used on 17 to Shepherds Bush (Hammersmith) 4/49 R withdrawn from service 4/49 body 11216 scrapped at Feltham 5/49 chassis scrapped LT 150 GH 8044 10/30 new to LGOC: AEC Renown chassis 663151, Chiswick body 11267 10/30 T into service on 38 (Leyton) */33 classified 1/2LT2/1 1945 rounded cab, 1/2LT2/1 AH (Nunhead) 10/47 AH withdrawn from service into store, body 12225 1/48 BY change store (Bull Yard) 2/48 AH change store 3/48 CS to Chiswick 4/48 CS scrapped

outside stair LT histories photo references Ian's Bus Stop LT index. outside stair LTs. Part 2: the CCs.